Explore Hanko with Leena.
Leena - Facts, fun and feelings
Experiences in Hanko and around Europe
Get to know Leena
Leena who?
Professional guide
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I order the tour at any time?
Guided tours are available all year round, but biking tours and role-costume guided tours only in the summer season.
Is it possible to request different themes for the guided tours?
Of course, with pleasure.
How long are the guided tours?
Normal guided tours take 1 ½ hours by bus. It takes two hours to walk because we stop to listen to stories.
Where can I book a guide?
Additional information and reservations: leena.immonen@saaritours.fi, tel. +358 40 840 7679.
How do I pay for guidance?
Cash, MobilePay or invoice — this will be agreed in advance.
Starting place?
If it is a bus group, I will receive you at Hanko Market Square or, for example, Tammisaari railway station — as agreed at any time. I will leave you at the agreed place — these will be agreed upon in advance. The city centre walk and the Spa Park role guide depart from the seaward end of Hanko Bulevardi, from the Statue of Liberty (yes, it's called the same as in New York :).. The rounds end at the same place they start. Biking to the guide's favorite places start from Hanko East Harbour, where you can rent a bike. The tour ends at the same place where it starts. I organize lunch concerts at my home, Luotsikatu 19, Hangonkylä.
You can take part in the walks in a wheelchair, but for those who walk very poorly, the distance is too long. In the bus guides, even those with poor feet have enough time to get off the bus, which we'll do a couple of times. Lunch concerts: there are 14 stairs to my house, two to the terrace.